You can also help Wirral Hospice St John’s when you shop at your local Co-op! You can help us to benefit by nominating Wirral Hospice St John’s as your Co-op local cause.
Every time Co-op members shop, 1% of what they spend on Co-op-branded products and services helps fund community projects. Thank you for your support!
If you are a business and wish to make a company donation or donate PPE (fluid resistant surgical masks (type IIR), disposable latex gloves, disposable aprons, FFP3 respirator masks, long-sleeved disposable gowns, nitrile gloves), please email with your contact details so that arrangements can be made with you that won’t compromise the safety precautions and visiting restrictions currently in place at our hospice.
Urgent Appeal COVID 19
Please can you help protect Wirral Hospice St John’s patients from the impact of coronavirus?
We understand that this must be a worrying and sometimes lonely time for you. We hope that you are finding comfort being in contact with your families but perhaps in different ways to how you are used to. We also hope that you are able to stay safe and well during these difficult months we still have ahead of us.
The coronavirus has had a crushing blow on our charity’s ability to fundraise but we continue to provide compassionate end-of-life care for our patients and support for their families through this global pandemic. We are hugely dependent on fundraising to pay for our hospice but as we are unable to raise funds in the usual ways, we have a special ask to see if you can help us. 60% of our money comes from our hospice charity shops, lottery, donations, and fundraising events. Necessary government measures keep us all safe but have affected us in a dramatic way. Charity shop closures, cancelled events, and having to stop other fundraising initiatives will cause a significant shortfall over the next few months.
Our frontline team are out in force and our behind-the-scenes key workers are carrying out care and support services, just in slightly different ways to normal. We are spending more on PPE and other essential supplies to keep our patients and staff safe in the face of these exceptional circumstances.
We will receive some government and Wirral Care Commissioning Group (CCG) funding but this will not cover our charity’s costs or loss of income, so donations from our supporters are vital to us.
Please, if you are able to, the most effective way you can help us is by:
- Signing up to Sponsor a Nurse – making a regular gift each month
- Becoming a lottery member – top weekly prize of £2,000, rollover climbs up to £10,000
- Or by making a one-off donation to Wirral Hospice’s Urgent Appeal JustGiving page
- Do you have a passion for photography? Would you love to share your work with the Wirral community? Please help us by entering our Wirral Hospice Photography Competition.
Other ways you can help
Donate through our Facebook fundraiser or hold your own home-based fundraising event or activity, such as a sponsored campout, virtual quiz, set up a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser page, sponsored headshave, hold a living room danceathon… or any other ideas you can think of that your family and friends will willingly sponsor you for. You can set up your own JustGiving page linked to our Wirral Hospice Urgent Appeal page here.