Eyes bright, chins up, smiles on… and strut your stuff! #hospice #fashion #show

Published on: 12/09/2014

wirral_hospice_fashion_show_battle_charity_shopsThings have been hotting up at Wirral Hospice St John’s charity shops over the last week as we draw ever closer to our ‘Battle of the charity shops’ fashion show being held on Friday 26 September. Mud has already started flinging as each charity shop is determined to come out top dog on the night.

It’s going to be a fashion show with a twist, with each shop feverishly rustling up outfits in the themes of Abba, the Movies, Sci-Fi and even Steampunk – all coming from stock donated to the Hospice from our wonderful supporters.  On the night, Hospice staff and volunteers will be donning their sparkly high heels, plumping their hair and preparing for their big debut as supermodels on the catwalk at Heswall Hall.

While our models strut their stuff and inspire the audience with their display of high fashion, stalls will be selling handbags, jewellery, shoes, belts and Hospice gifts along with our very popular and extremely glitzy tombola. There will also be refreshments including tea, coffee and scones and the bar will be open for both alcoholic and soft drinks.

 “Charity shops can be viewed a little like sewing; a good design can produce wonderful clothes. Our materials include reams of fantastic donations, a bundle of humour, some threads of madness and fabric made from creativity. Come to our ‘Battle of the charity shops’ fashion show and see just how creative we can be!”

Jo Ashworth, Heswall shop manager (pictured above in a stunning charity shop outfit!)

It’s shaping up to be an extremely fun night, let’s just hope there are no wardrobe malfunctions or diva meltdowns from any of the models!

We would love for you to attend – tickets are just £6.50 and include a free glass of wine on arrival. To book yours simply visit your local Wirral Hospice charity shop (see locations below) or contact the Hospice’s Fundraising Office on 0151 343 0778.

[googlemaps https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/embed?mid=zuZLDw3hOXpQ.knPirwYFdL18&w=640&h=480]

 Author: Jacinta Warwick