In-house end of life care training for care homes
1st January
31st December
In-house end of life care training for care homes
Aim of Course:
- To understand the different terms used in end of life care
- To recognise the signs someone is dying
- To understand the colour coding system and how to identify disease progression
- To understand your role in end of life care
- To understand priorities of care
- To understand important documentation used in end of life care
- To be aware of different services that can support you in providing end of life care and how to access them
Target Audience: Any care home staff. All roles welcome.
Date & Time of Course: As and when required.
Duration: Two hours
Course Content:
A brief summary of end of life care within care homes. Supporting staff to recognise when residents are approaching the last twelve months of life and to support them to use advance care planning documents to facilitate a good death and avoid unnecessary hospital admissions.
Number of Places Available: As per care home request
Cost: Free
For more information/ to book: call 0151 514 2331 or email
Venue & Location: Within the care home