Meet volunteer Pauline. It’s Friday that she loves!

Published on: 21/06/2024

Pauline Crone, one of the self-named volunteer ‘Golden Girls’ of hospice baking and craft groups, “will do anything for you.”

This is what everyone you speak to about her says and, as she moves around the Wellbeing Centre on a Friday morning, helping patients with making little cards and craft pieces, chatting and laughing, preparing teas and coffees, sharing cake (of course) and organizing themed raffles Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Bank holidays and more, you can see why.

She’s been volunteering with us for nine years now, having also spent some time at our local children’s hospice, Claire House, where she volunteered making evening meals for some of the children and their families.

Having been a caterer at Unilever and at Squibbs Pharmaceuticals here in Wirral she was well placed to carry out those essential duties.

As deputy head girl at Conway Street school she was clearly identified early on to be someone who would get stuck in, a team player.

She was married to husband Paul, Pauline and Paul, in 1970 and, in the years following, their children, Louise, Lindsay and Andrew came along. They’ve also got five grandchildren, Darcy, Daniel, Drew, Boyd and Zoe, “the apples of our eyes!”

As well as bringing the raffle monies over to our fundraising office Pauline will also get members of her family involved in hospice fundraising events.

Here she is (l-r, Zoe, Andrew, Lindsey, Pauline and Louise) at our Walk to Remember in 2022. She’s also completed the the Wirral Coastal Walk, alongside fellow Golden Girl, Sandra, on Sunday June 16th this year. (They’re pictured  here at a bucket collection at Tranmere Rovers too).

We asked Pauline to tell us about her hospice volunteering,

“I love it, I love the patients and the Golden Girls I volunteer with. We have such great fun and it is so rewarding to spend time with our patients, hear their stories about their challenges and real lives too.

Friday coffee mornings were set up for patients who have been through the Wellbeing Centre courses, for help with managing their illnesses for their everyday lives, and wanted to stay in touch with the staff team and volunteers.

Those patients who wish can also join the craft group with me and Sandra or the baking group with Fiona, Maggie and Sue.

I really look forward to Fridays and then, afterwards, having some lunch in the hospice’s Hub Cafe with the ladies who have all become really good friends.”

With a twinkle in her eye and a wink she also says she’s looking forward to their next get together outside of the hospice..

We’d all love to be a fly on the wall at one of those days Pauline!

Thank you so much for all you do for the hospice.