Why I love being a #lottery canvasser for the Hospice
Published on: 29/04/2013Julia has been one of Wirral Hospice St John’s lottery canvassing team for over four years and is seen regularly at venues and on doorsteps across the Wirral.
“Being a lottery canvasser is never dull and the variety of people and venues I visit are extremely welcoming and rewarding. In my role, I regularly speak to people who have experience of the Hospice and their comments are really motivating.
My role is to bring on board new members for the Hospice’s weekly lottery – a major source of income for the Hospice. Being part of the team that helps to fund the equivalent cost of 10 nurses makes me feel my lottery canvassing role is making a significant contribution to the Hospice’s incredible work.”
If you like to be out and about, enjoy speaking to people and have enthusiasm, energy, an outgoing personality and a sense of humour then come and join our team!
Download an application pack or call Ian Jones, our Lottery Manager, on 0151 334 0348 for an informal discussion about the role.